Community-based, collaboration with calligrapher Rebecca Wild, paper-maker Helen Hiebert, print-makers Barbara Mason and Jane Pagriarulo, and Trillium Charter School students grade three thru five in Portland, Oregon. Publication available at, book title: Lost Harmonies. Art installation/community engagement consisted of three site studio tour w/interactive art-making activities, poetry interpretation through painting by students and paper cutting response by artist Anne Greenwood. Series of four linocut prints made by artist Anne Greenwood and installation exhibit. Partially funded through Oregon Arts Commission and Multnomah County Cultural Coalition grants.
Separation of Heaven and Earth, 2009
Reduction Linoleum Cut "Suicide Method" w/ Solar Plate
Four print series; ten print edition
Plate:9'x10" Paper:17.5"x15"
Printed at Atlier Meridian by the artist
Published by the artist
Time of Confusion, 2009
Reduction Linoleum Cut "Suicide Method" w/ Solar Plate
Four print series; ten print edition
Plate:9'x10" Paper:17.5"x15"
Printed at Atlier Meridian by the artist
Published by the artist
Memory of Harmony Has Faded, 2009
Reduction Linoleum Cut "Suicide Method" w/ Solar Plate
Four print series; ten print edition
Plate:9'x10" Paper:17.5"x15"
Printed at Atlier Meridian by the artist
Published by the artist
All Things Connected Again, 2009
Reduction Linoleum Cut "Suicide Method" w/ Solar Plate
Four print series; ten print edition
Plate:9'x10" Paper:17.5"x15"
Printed at Atlier Meridian by the artist
Published by the artist
Paper making with Helen Hiebert
Printmaking with Barbara Mason and Jane Pagliarulo
Painting with Anne Greenwood
Separation of Heaven and Earth 2009
Anne Greenwood, cut-outs
Rebecca Wild, calligraphy
Cairo Philabaum, Helen Preston, Isabella Smitth, Jonny LaRoche, Morgan Gritz, painting Tyvek, acrylic paint, sumi ink
Time of Confusion 2009
Anne Greenwood, cut-outs
Rebecca Wild, calligraphy
Wren Velasco-Overson, Curran Chapman, Emma Dyer, Joshua La Roche, Matilda Klofenstein, painting Tyvek, acrylic paint, sumi ink
Memory of Harmony Has Faded 2009
Anne Greenwood, cut-outs
Rebecca Wild, calligraphy
Aspen Beaulieu, Rhiley Clarke, Atticus Scopes, Essau Klopfenstein, Mason Klepp, painting Tyvek, acrylic paint, sumi ink
All Things Connected Again2009
Anne Greenwood, cut-outs
Rebecca Wild, calligraphy
Maya Spier, Atticus Torrey, Dawson Mooney, Eva Rioseco, Logan Watkins, painting Tyvek, acrylic paint, sumi ink