Tapestry of Hours
Tapestry of Hours will be on exhibit at the Multnomah County Central Library’s John Wilson Special Collections Room from November 9-December 31, 2016.
An artist talk and official opening will be held Saturday, November 12 from 11-12:30 with a reading by Portland artist and poet, Kaia Sand.
Hazel Hall was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on February 2, 1886 and moved to Portland, Oregon as a small child. At the age of twelve, she suffered from scarlet fever and related complications leaving her confined to a wheelchair. Her formal schooling ended in the fifth grade. To help her family financially Hall took in sewing and, as her eyesight began to fail in her early twenties, she began to write poetry. She died in Portland in 1924, at the age of thirty-eight. Hall's sister Ruth, a librarian, helped her immensely as an advocate and agent for both her textile work and poetry.
Tapestry of Hours is made in an edition of one hundred and thirty-eight laser printed, hand-bound chapbooks and twelve special edition portfolios with chapbook and tapestry.
The special edition portfolio is made of crinoline; it is machine sewn, hand-dyed in fustic, and pressure-printed with machine-stitched text from poems originally written by Hall and then pieced together by Anne Greenwood. The chapbook cover is machine-stitching on crinoline; the under print is pressure-printed, hand-stitched embroidery with pochoir and the book is hand-bound using the pamphlet stitch. The decorations are hand-stitched embroidery sigils by Greenwood and Shannon Ayuyu pressure printed on whashi paper. The tapestry is made of crinoline hand-dyed in madder, fustic, cochineal and indigo, with hand stitching and pochoir. The applique: the moon is pressure-printed, found, hand-made doily, and the poem Loneliness is written by Hall and printed with a polymer plate. The machine-stitched texts are cut-ups of Hazel Hall’s poetry made by Shannon Ayuyu and Anne Greenwood. The printing is all by Clare Carpenter (2016) in Portland, Oregon.
Thank you to the Regional Arts and Culture Council of Oregon, Caldera: Artist-in-Residence, Clare Carpenter of Tiger Food Press, Jim Carmin at the John Wilson Room Special Collections Multnomah County Library, Alison Bahr and a very special thanks to Shannon Ayuyu.
This Special Edition Portfolio is available for sale online: Tapestry of Hours
Tapestry of Hours will be on exhibit at the Multnomah County Central Library’s John Wilson Special Collections Room from November 9-December 31, 2016.
An artist talk and official opening will be held Saturday, November 12 from 11-12:30 with a reading by Portland artist and poet, Kaia Sand.
Hazel Hall was born in St. Paul, Minnesota on February 2, 1886 and moved to Portland, Oregon as a small child. At the age of twelve, she suffered from scarlet fever and related complications leaving her confined to a wheelchair. Her formal schooling ended in the fifth grade. To help her family financially Hall took in sewing and, as her eyesight began to fail in her early twenties, she began to write poetry. She died in Portland in 1924, at the age of thirty-eight. Hall's sister Ruth, a librarian, helped her immensely as an advocate and agent for both her textile work and poetry.
Tapestry of Hours is made in an edition of one hundred and thirty-eight laser printed, hand-bound chapbooks and twelve special edition portfolios with chapbook and tapestry.
The special edition portfolio is made of crinoline; it is machine sewn, hand-dyed in fustic, and pressure-printed with machine-stitched text from poems originally written by Hall and then pieced together by Anne Greenwood. The chapbook cover is machine-stitching on crinoline; the under print is pressure-printed, hand-stitched embroidery with pochoir and the book is hand-bound using the pamphlet stitch. The decorations are hand-stitched embroidery sigils by Greenwood and Shannon Ayuyu pressure printed on whashi paper. The tapestry is made of crinoline hand-dyed in madder, fustic, cochineal and indigo, with hand stitching and pochoir. The applique: the moon is pressure-printed, found, hand-made doily, and the poem Loneliness is written by Hall and printed with a polymer plate. The machine-stitched texts are cut-ups of Hazel Hall’s poetry made by Shannon Ayuyu and Anne Greenwood. The printing is all by Clare Carpenter (2016) in Portland, Oregon.
Thank you to the Regional Arts and Culture Council of Oregon, Caldera: Artist-in-Residence, Clare Carpenter of Tiger Food Press, Jim Carmin at the John Wilson Room Special Collections Multnomah County Library, Alison Bahr and a very special thanks to Shannon Ayuyu.
This Special Edition Portfolio is available for sale online: Tapestry of Hours
The edition of 138 laser printed chapbooks featuring pressure printed hand-embroidered decorations accompanying needlework poems by the late Hazel Hall are also available for sale online:
Tapestry of Hours (Chapbook)
Tapestry of Hours (Chapbook)